Tuesday, July 3, 2012

One With Me

I was awakened from my daydreams,
and my heart was swept away.
Then all the rest of the afternoon,
on my mind, did your memories play.

And the tones found in your sweet soft voice,
were  like a cool  summer wind,
Whistling through the trees and hills,
finding a  secure place in my heart to begin.

For to me you are an heavenly angel,
a gift from my God In heaven above
For He knew just what was needed,
when He  gave to my heart your love.

And as I lovingly embrace the beauty in your eyes,
I find my heart will never again be free
For my world has been captured by a blossoming love,
whose breath of life will always be one with me.

The Brown One Poet
©2011, All Rights Reserved
From “Never Changing Love”


  1. lovely rhyme :)

  2. You have been nominated for the One Lovely Blog Award by catnipoflife! Stop by for a visit, read the rules and grab the tag for your website. Happy 'blogs' to you! Keep on writing:>)

  3. to love and be loved this way-how very blessed the two of you are...

  4. Nice Poem, Thank you for sharing. God Bless

  5. Wendell, your writings are so wonderful! catnipoflife has nominated you for the Liebster Award. Go to http://catnipoflife.wordpress.com/2012/07/26/liebster-award/ for the 'rules' and snag the badge to post on your Website. [Here is the link in case you are unfamiliar with how to capture it: (http://catnipoflife.files.wordpress.com/2012/07/liebsterblog-1.jpeg)]

    Be sure to leave a comments so I will know you stopped by:>)

    Have a blessed day,
