Wednesday, December 10, 2014

For I See

Can you pray to me and speak honestly
That in your heart you truly love me?
When you say you hate your brother or sister
I cannot see how this could be

Can you tell me you love me
When in your heart I alone do see
The hatred you hold for others
With such a fragrant animosity

For I created you both in my image
Hoping one day you might believe
Each time when you look at him or her
It is my image your eyes really see

Look long and deep into the looking glass
Through which only your eyes can see
And see the dark sinfulness in your heart
That is so very far away from me

Glance at the lies, the hatred, and evil
Which by your own doing your heart breeds
Then tell me as you view your sinfulness
That your heart is full of love for me

"For I See"

From 'The Fire That Burns Within'
By Wendell A. Brown,

Saturday, November 22, 2014

My Life's Song

My life’s song is,,,Set to the tune, that YouAlone did create andCompose
For its melodic harmonies
Have sweet beginnings
Which  have their birthright
In the deep roots in heaven

The voice of Your spirit moves
Me to always seek to accomplish
What my body wants not to do, 
But what my heart and spirit will
Daily do gratefully

For your spirits timeless song 
Creates a stalwart hunger within
To daringly follow the unique path
Of life which you have laid out
Before me

And your love, alone with your
Word, I will always share with
Others in my life, and your will
Shall always be done according
To your lasting pleasure.

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Friday, November 21, 2014

The Same Way

One sees a rose
enjoying its beauty,
Its color,  and its

and I look at You
that same way.

I want  You, but I do
not lust after You,
for I want You so

If that is possible.

I need You,  as I need
water to survive, for
I need Your spirit to live…

and it’s a true statement.

One may see a diamond,
and inside they desire,
want, need, and love it.

In the same way I shall
always embrace Your love,
with my eager heart.

For I desire everything
that You are, for You  Lord,
make my life complete.

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Wednesday, November 19, 2014

For My One Love

A song is sung from
Deep in my heart where,
Your love does always

Its melodies are so very
Pleasing to me that, they
Bring my eyes to softly cry

For the song even though
It is happy is sung each day
With many emotional tears

Because of the happiness
Gift which comes alive by
The One true love who chased
Away all my worldly fears.
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Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Deep Within

One might take away
The stars from the
Night, leaving a
Very dark and empty

One might try to take
The sun away, causing
It's radiant light to fade
And die

One might be able to
Take the rain away,
So that our tears
We can no longer hide

But one can never take
Your love dear Lord,
From its cherished place
Within my heart and mind

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Monday, November 17, 2014

I Pray For You

I pray for you Lord
That your energy
Will never ever cease
I pray that your power
Will never fade or dissipate
Or lose its vibrancy
I pray that your love
Will never change, that
You will always walk
With me…
Whether I am wrong
Or right
I pray that you never
Tire as I do Lord, and
That you never suffer
As I always do…
But that your healing
Will always be endless
I pray to you Lord, from
My heart and its deep rivers
Found within my spirit
And my prayers are always
For my family in this world
As a whole
But today my heart prays
For your eternal well being
As I so need you Lord always
In my life everyday…
And may the blessings you
Have brought to my life return
And multiply within your
Heart and spirit as you
Receive my psalms of love
Each and every day endlessly.
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Sunday, November 16, 2014

I Shall Wait On You

I shall wait for You,
Any where of your

For indeed You are
Are worth waiting
The thought of Your
Coming fills my heart
With a splendid joy
And my heart happily
Beams forth, because
I know You will come
In a time unknown to
Us, yes a time that
You Father alone has
I know that You are kind
And merciful Lord, One
Who will never leave or
Forsake me
That You Lord, will care
For me, leading me into
A much more abundant
And my heart lives to
See Your coming.
I desire to see Your face,
Your smile, for I know
That one day it will come
To pass

And I my Lord will surely
Wait with a great eagerness
Of heart…

Because of your gentleness

I know and dream of the 
Peace that you one day
Will bring to those who
Wait together for your

For I know it will be so
Much more than any
Earthly mind could ever
Dream of being possible
And I will wait on You
Lord Jesus, to lead me
Into Your eternal heaven
Where Your reign will be
Forever, and forever.
Wendell A. Brown,

Thursday, November 13, 2014

The Flames of Love

Why is it when I see you
I always fall in love again
Why is it when I touch you
Loves fires  will begin

Why is it when I kiss you
I want you so much more
Why is it when I'm near
Of one thought I am quite sure

I need you like the grass the rain
Or the sky above the clouds
For without your love in my life
I would not know what loves about

For I only know when I see you
I fall in love all over again
When I reach out to touch you
The flames of love always begin.

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Monday, November 10, 2014

His Touch

My world was touched by his hand
And its loneliness was chased away
Into my world entered such happiness
And a greater need for his love to stay

He taught me to love all of mankind
Also to love His father first of all
Promising me if I did all these things
Never hard would ever be my fall

He filled my heart with a believing faith
Which he promised I could always keep
He told me not to ever  doubt again
As he would always be on call for me

He gave to me many sweet treasures
That to others he allowed me to share
He promised that even while I slept

That his love would always be so near.

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Monday, November 3, 2014

To Me

My heart turns
To limitless love…
It turns to you

My heart is never
Lonely…for you
Are always near

My heart cares for
Others…because you
Care for me

Your word lifts me
Because it is food for
My spirit

My heart rejoices
When it embraces
The sound of your

Because you are
My heavenly father
And the best of loves
To me.

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Sunday, November 2, 2014

A Certain Love That's True

Only in your presence
Can I find the joy
Which my heart needs

Only when walking
With you can I find
What brings me peace

Only by sharing my
Quiet moments with you
Will I know each day what
I should do

And only in the love
Which you give me Lord,
Will I find a lasting treasure
That‘s always true.

'The love of the Lord is always
consistent, never changing,
so our love should be the same.'

Google Image Credit,
biblelovenotes.blogspot. com

Yours Alone To Keep

Can you feel the pulse of my heart beating
Can you hear the words which it now speaks
Can you dissect the rhythms your ears hear
So you might understand all that it means

To be the one who loves you only
To be the one whom you chose for life
To know it's only you I truly love
My very special someone, yes my wife

When I think of you I sigh so deeply
As my heart and soul swell up inside
When thinking of you I am swept away
As I ride a beautifully sweet natural high

These moments happen everyday
For I love you within  very deeply
And while each moment passes by
They show me I love you completely

So can you feel the rhythms of my heart
Can you feel the embrace of every beat
Realizing as we walk together in life
My love is yours alone to forever keep.

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Wednesday, October 29, 2014


Lord you inspire me to write each day
About the wonderful love in you I see
You bring my heart to constantly think
Of its blessing which I will always need

Its beautiful pure essence my eyes see daily
As I gaze at creation when the sun does rise
Finds my soul moved with very deep affection
For the dear love whose radiance fills my eyes

I am proud to let my heart speak the words
Which your Spirit has inspired me to write
About how deeply I feel for your awesome love
As its blessing of grace nourishes my life

You inspire me to share endearing messages
Of this magnificent love I am blessed to know
Bringing to life a blissful stirring of emotions
Which my heart and spirit shall never let go.

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Friday, October 24, 2014

Gods Great Love

In the morning, a meadow lark,
sings of the heavenly beauty it
Finds alive in his world…

In the morning I sing to the
Everlasting beauty found in your
Forever blossoming love.

And nothing created can ever
Replace the joy that swims
The tides within my spirit.

For love has its source in you,
And no matter how much of it
Is given away each day…

There is always much more
To come from the living spring
Found within your eternal spirit

For those among men and women
Who seek the ever blossoming gift
Which replenishes a heart‘s life.

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Thursday, October 23, 2014

Welcome Praise

Why do the days all seem  the same
When the morning sunlight comes
Why do I awaken with a dreadful fear
The same result will be its outcome

Should I want my life to be different
If myself  I do not really change
How can I make things better  alone
Suffering the same heartache and pain

For we search for what we hope for
But always looking  the opposite way
We each day repeat  all our follies
And it seems our sin always stays

Take a tiny moment to think about
What it is that will make you new
Falling to your knees praying soulfully
God above will have mercy on you

Alone we cannot perfect change in our lives
That will be long lasting for endless days
Unless self dies and we daily confess our sins
Praying to the Living God that we'll be saved

If you long to awaken with a smile on your face
Let  your heart begin each day with praise
By reaching out taking hold of  His embrace of life
And He will make your dreams a reality today.
August 1976

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The Blessing Of You

A wonderful miracle embraced my life
When you came my way that special day
I received the blessing of your smile
Realizing quickly I wanted it to stay

Who would have ever chanced to think
Their heart and mind might be swept away
Without a single word spoken from your lips
Only with a look bidding breath to fade

My heart was embezzled by your brown eyes
With a sheer radiance that would hypnotize
And within them I caught a glimpse of hope
You might find a reason to stay in my life

Tomorrow will I see you come my way again
Might our paths cross some marvelous way
Will my new found hope give birth to a joy
Finding the loneliness in my world to fade

For I long for the chance to softly embrace
Many more moments like the ones found today
And to my God in heaven I prayed from my heart
To continue the blessing of you he sent my way.

Monday, October 20, 2014

No Need To Reason Why

As Autumn arrives once again
Along with him he will also bring
Lovely beautifully painted days
Where our love may always sing

For once again when flowers die
To give way to changing seasons
We find we still love each other
Knowing we need no special reason

For love has found a home with us
Like the way clouds live with the sky
We were always born to love the other
Without ever needing a real reason why

As the Autumn season embraces us tenderly
We anxiously await the colors he brings
A time filled with many magical colors
Sharing the moments where our love sings.

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Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The Moment Love Begins

To gaze upon your glowing beauty each day
Fills my heart with the special joy it needs
As happiness finds itself overwhelming me
Your sweet beauty my heart seeks to seize
And I look forward each day to our meeting
So that by chance you might look my way
Becoming the tender object of my affection
While chasing the loneliness in my heart away
For I find each night to be so lonely now
When in my dreams your face I always see
Knowing I cannot reach out and touch the beauty
Of the sweet love my heart silently knows it needs
So I know I must find a way to be so contented
Until the new days brightness comes my way
Allowing your smile to unlock the nightly bars
That each lonely night keeps us so far away,

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Monday, October 13, 2014

Because Of The Love It Needs

A thought is preserved
So deep down within
A dream given life
Planted does now begin

To grow from a seedling
While being nourished by love
To blossom like a tulip
Whom has tasted of Spring

And the feeling of freedom
Is now intricately blended
Within a heavenly grace
Which was always intended

That when it finally blossoms
Will bring sweet life to many smiles
Causing all who embrace it
To feel refreshingly worthwhile

For each day as its radiance
Touches the eyes of all who pass
Because of Gods  grace and love
The memory of its beauty will last

For the once tiny seedlings energy
Erupted into a breathtaking flame
Because of the heavenly love it received
It will never again be the same.

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Saturday, October 11, 2014

The Beginning Of Each New Day

I always long  to see your  tender smile
At the beginning of each new day
Because when I see your lovely smile
A sweet happiness will  always stay
You lift my heart up inside each day
Making my mind to ride a natural high
Causing me to often daydream of you
Knowing you will never say goodbye
And you have really made my life awesome
All the time spent alone each day with you
For the moments just seem to last forever
Because our hearts always want it to
You easily became the  best part of my life
A  special gift which in my heart will  stay
So that I might embrace your precious smile
With my love at the beginning of each new day.
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Thursday, October 9, 2014

To Love You Deep And True

The loveliness of all the seasons,
cannot begin to compare to thee.
Not the sweetness of the summer,
nor the gentleness of the spring.

For behind your beauty is a reason,
much more than eyes can perceive.
For its more than autumns beauty,
and  cold winters ecstasies.

Its like a intertwining fabric,
woven by angels up above.
It’s a richness of bliss and magic,
that spews much deeper than ones love.

It’s the ultimate union so intimate,
that two as one may find to be.
As they taste the kiss of tranquility,
and the brunt of Cupids sting.

For the loveliness of all the seasons,
cannot ever compare to thee.
And its easy to see why I have fallen,
like a leaf floating down from a tree.

And like the sun giving way to night,
my heart easily gives  way to you.
As I now ask for  just one chance,
to love you my dear, so deep and true.

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Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Whole Again

Please take all the fear
away from me, that made
its home within my heart

Take the darkness away
from me, that will not let
forgiveness and love to start

Take away the hardness of
my unsaved heart that Lord
would not believe

Take away all that is not
right within me, and make
the change for all to see...

That I surrendered to your love.

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Monday, October 6, 2014


My spirit is satisfied with with what it sees
Each day when I find myself to rise 
For my soul and spirit rise in harmony
Within the beautiful emotions I feel inside

For what I find to embrace each morning
Brings my heart to sing a song of praise
To the One who has blessed me with the gift
Of the life breath He has passed my way

Serene are the many lovely thoughts
Which daily brings soft smiles alive
When I feel the embrace of my Gods love
As his presence fills all aspects of my life

Tranquil are the thoughts and daydreams
That soothingly enter into my mind
Like water finding its way to a stream
While nourishing my spirit  deep inside

For my heart will always be truly satisfied
Each day as I awaken my eyes to You
Because I find it to be a priceless blessing
As I breathe again embracing a love so true.

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Saturday, October 4, 2014

Thoughts Of You

I find there is never a morning
Or the beginning of a new day
When I find my eyes to awaken
When I won't think of you some way

And daydream onward so often
Pressing my mind for thoughts of you
Calling upon the angels above to help
To receive in sight everything  you do

The sunrise won't reach a completed state
Nor will the sky reach a crystal blue
Unless they are called to life this morning
By the supremacy of your word so true

Now being blessed with your kiss of life
From my slumbering I find myself to rise
And I discover there will  be no light here
Until your spirits love fills my heart inside

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Sweet Blissful Things

Close your eyes and into your mind
I shall place my image in your dreams
So whenever you are away from me
I shall be the  image you long to see

Joy and happiness I shall place within
Along with a song for your heart to sing
In your mind I'll place a forever  thought
Of our loves blessing, lasting an eternity

Your heart and soul shall smile happily
Within the radiance which fills your face
A reminder you have found a true paradise
When you are wrapped in my embrace

Just close your eyes and into your mind
I shall place my image in every dream
So your heart shall never be without
The taste of many sweet blissful things.

Friday, October 3, 2014


Sad would be the moments
If my love you were not

Sad would be the seconds
As my heart would cry
Soft tears

Sad would be the minutes
If they were not spent 
Loving you

Sad would be the mornings
If they started without  your
Taste of love so true.

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Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Will Always Make Me Stay

The way that you look at me sometimes
Does often sweep my thoughts away
Leaving only images of your beauty
To help my mind pass the time of day

For the look that I see upon your face
Needs not words to let me know
What the look does express so vividly
For my heart does understand it so

My heart this day has learned to decipher
All the looks that you pass my way
Leaving my heart never having to ponder
Why in your life you want me to stay

For  so often as I see that special look
That you so tenderly pass my way
I am lovingly eager to return to you
A look of love in that same way.

Wendell A. Brown,
December 27, 2012
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This is a reblog!

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

God Placed You In Front Of Me

I had no choice that day but to love you
My heart could do nothing else but care
So perpetually my mind began to spin
When you sat down by my side so near

I don’t think I would have chosen You
If that moment in time was left up to me
But your Father had set in motion a plan
Where your grace would lovingly set me free

My heart was swept away so effortlessly
When you reached out taking me by my hand
I never realized my life could be this happy
Loving you much more than any human can

And it was the most magnificent of blessings
The greatest gift my eyes could ever receive
That moment in time when I became so alive
When my God placed You Lord, in front of me.

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Monday, September 29, 2014

Great Abundance

Your word shall have
a home within my heart
and I will know it

There shall not be a
moment of free thought
where Your word is not
in my mind

I shall treasure Your
word as my most
prized possession

And I shall wear its wisdom
around my neck and I shall
not be separated from its

And the wisdom of Your word
shall bring me life, peace,
wisdom, and understanding
in such great abundance.

A poem of thanks for the Lord's daily gift of grace.

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Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Thanks for all the blessings
that you send my way each day
Thanks for all the good things
that you placed in my world to stay

Thanks for all the prayers dear Lord
that you answer right on time
Even if they were only answered
because of your heavenly design

Thank you Lord for the chance
and for opening my eyes to see
That there is no other God living
who the Father of Christ may be

Thank you Lord for choosing me
that I may truly understand
Why it is so very wonderful to be
guided each day in life by your hand.

No Longer A Slave To Sin

The sin that I would do, I have
found I will not now do.
For the death of my sin
In Christ has delivered me
to a righteous life through
Him before the Living God,
who is our Father in Heaven

It is such a joy to taste of
this freedom, that unlocks
all the parts of the body
to be in mutual service
to the Lord of all things

I count myself to be the
the most blessed of all
humans, and yet I am not
alone,  as with Elijah, when
trying to hide from Jezebel
In the cave, he found  that
there were  many brothers
and sisters in the Lords service
whom the lord safely kept hidden

For the Lord has set aside
many for His service all
around the world, because
He wants His  message carried
to many so that they might
escape the wrath to come

Our living God is complete
In his nature and all things
will reach such a state, as
He has commanded it to be
From  the beginning.

Do not be naïve to this, for
through Isaac was the promise
fulfilled with his wife having
two twin sons,  it was spoken by
God  that the older shall serve the
younger, and again Jacob I loved,
and Esau I hated. So it is not by
works that we received such
A blessed reward but by the
grace of Our living  God.

For  surely it is  written that
broad is the way to destruction
and many will find it, and narrow
is the way to life and few will
find it.

You bask in  the luxuries of life and yet
you are deluded for not all will
be saved.  For God does love those
whom  he chooses for there will be
Some who in the end  who are not called  the
Children of God , who in the end  will become
His children by His choice.

The choice is now ours among
this world’s living. To taste  of the
Grace that we now may  enjoy,  and  to
bring it to the mouths of others
that they might not be lost
but saved, as the people of  Nineveh
In Jonah’s time.

Be not deceived, for we do not
choose as the Lord  chooses.
For He does not choose  by outward
appearances or outward actions, but God
chooses by what Only  His  Spirit
Is able to see, that which is unknown to
a man or a  woman’s eyes, but only to God.
For he sees the heart and soul of
all who breathe

Become the useful tool of the
Master potter, that you may
always be acceptable in His
sight and a loved one in His
eyes.   For His memory is eternal
but even more infinite in time
Is His grace.   For the wages of  sin
is death,  But the gift of God is eternal
Life in  Jesus Christ Our Lord.

Wendell A. Brown,
December 1976,
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Thursday, May 22, 2014

I Miss You

The feelings sought
An outlet of total

They sought with
Bright torches of
Flame a path to

Through dark corridors
With walls tainted with
Loneliness, sadness, and
A heart’s inner misery

They sought bravely
A way to be able to
Freely say what was felt
At this very moment,

That would seem so
Unimportant to another
But to you it would have
The answer that the ears
Of your heart sought so
Desperately to hear

And the emotions found
An opening that fell
In the form of soft tears
As their letters did embrace
This sheet of paper giving it

As it formed the soft spoken words…
“I Miss You”

Wendell A. Brown,
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Friday, May 9, 2014

The Word

The Word is spoken in truth
Yet hearts that have ears
Do not hear

For many believe
They will never taste of death
Yet none have overcome the
Fiend’s tight grasp but One

And the Spirit spoke in truth
Saying, one had only to believe
In Him who is the Living Word
And you would be saved

Yet, there are too few takers
For such a glorious prize
As many settle to serve
Their own selfish needs and
This world’s sins and vices

So many tables will be set
Along with an abundance of seats
In the ending lake of fire

Wendell A. Brown
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Monday, May 5, 2014

His Sweet Name

Within us there is a world unseen
Where young spirits seek to know
The voices they begin to hear each day
As their passion for life now grows

They will begin to make tough choices
As the voices within become alive
Leaving them to seriously ponder daily
Which choice, might be wrong or right

For everything they attempt to do each day
Along with the choices their hearts will make
Will deeply affect the life road they choose
And within, their  spirits will now be at stake

Inside the  voices strive for dominance
Like two hungry wolves over a tasty meal
And of the two available choices in life
One gives a blessing while the other kills

So we must always be so very cognizant
Of the choices each day which are made
So when the end time appears in our lives
By believing in His name we will be saved.

Wendell A. Brown
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Saturday, May 3, 2014

So Abundantly

Your word shall have
a home within my heart
and I will know it

There shall not be a
moment of free thought
where your word is not
in my mind...

I shall treasure your
word as my most
prized possession

I shall wear its
wisdom around my
neck never being
separated from its

For the wisdom of your
word shall bring me
life, peace, joy, health.
and truth in great
abundance each day.

Wendell A. Brown,
From "So Abundantly"
Google Image Credit

Words Of Praise

Let the words in my heart
Be heard, let their praises
Reach your ears

Let my words find a home
In your throne room day by
Day, let my praise never cease

Let me give thanks to you
With the joy that you have
Caused my heart to feel

Let me praise you from the
Roots of happiness where my
Heart is nourished by your love

And I will give thanks while
Praising the embrace of your
Beautiful love and wisdom.

Wendell A.  Brown
‘So Abundantly’
© 2010