Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Only Living God

Shall my heart not leap with vibrant joy,
At the coming of each new day.
Is not my heart full of the happiness,
That my spirit has now embraced.

For You Lord are my constant pleasure,
And the life that allows my heart to beat.
For with  every breath I take so deeply,
I daily embrace the love it seeks to keep.

I lift You up “Oh Lord Of Hosts”
For Your Holy name is my most valued treasure.
As I  rise so daily with the morning sun.,
In my life there won’t  be a time called never.

For all my  steps are written in your book of life,
As my beginnings can be traced back to Your love.
When my spirit was fashioned by your loving hands,
To give daily praise to the only  Living God.

Wendell A. Brown,
Copyright 2011


  1. Replies
    1. Thank your for the visit and making my spirit smile brightly...God bless you!

  2. Replies
    1. You know i love your poetry also...keep it going you are blossoming greatly right before my eyes!

  3. This poem is so moving.Thank you for sharing it.

    1. Thanks for the radiance of your comments! They are a true blessing to me today...have a very best weekend my friend!

  4. I thank you for visiting my site, i am just starting to learn what to and what not to do so i can follow up on this site and put more here! Thanks for your blessings!

  5. Very powerful and true. I am blessed to have read "The Only Living God". Peace! ~ Beth
